
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Betty Crocker Project : Quesadillas

Sometimes we come across one of the Betty recipes that makes us ask ourselves, "Does this really need a recipe?" The thing is, we don't make the rules, and if Betty says this is a recipe, well, it is. Also, some people are beginners... So if this is helpful for you, that's good enough for me! This was a delicious dinner. Next time I think I'll add some fake chicken, or maybe some artichoke hearts, or both. Who knows how crazy our quesadillas might get? Broccoli could be good.

Last night, Dan and his family went to a baseball game to eat veggie dogs and cheer for the doomed Norfolk Tides. I was left home alone to work on my writing a bit and some upcoming projects for Meet The Shannons. I may have also watched a few episodes of Ghost Adventures - which in my opinion is one of the most hilarious shows on TV. If you aren't familiar - here's a rundown:

Three dudes go to famous historical locations with night-vision goggles and cameras, and taunt ghosts like they're picking a fight at Hooters. There are a lot of Affliction and System of a Down t-shirts, and yelling of "Brutal" and "Bro". On one occasion, I think of they were shooting at ghosts with cap guns, which my friend Anjali over at Delicious Coma has pointed out "is messed up for so many reasons." Last night they had a machete. Seriously.

The quesadillas were super fast, so I wouldn't miss a minute of awesome-ness--which made them awesome too!

  • 2 Cups Daiya Cheddar Cheese (shredded)
  • 6 Flour Tortillas
  • 4 Medium Green Onions (chopped)
  • About a Handful of Spinach
  • 2 Tablespoons Jalapenos Chilies (diced)
  • Cilantro for topping (chopped)
  • Your Favorite Salsa for topping
  • Avocado for topping (sliced)

Heat oven to 350.

Sprinkle 1/3 a cup of Daiya Cheese evenly over half of each Tortilla. Sprinkle Green Onions, Jalapenos and Spinach over the Daiya Cheese. Fold Tortilla over Filling Mix. Place on your versatile pizza stone. You're going to repeat this with each Tortilla. This recipe will make 12-18 Quesadilla slices. You'll have leftovers for lunch the next day. Or, this is a great recipe for a party!

Bake about 5 minutes or until the Daiya Cheese is melted and the Tortilla is golden brown. Cut each Tortilla into 2-3 wedges and top with Cilantro, Salsa and Avocado.


  1. Hilarious post as always. I also love this show and all its absurdity. I think if they ever actually encountered a ghost, those dudes would probably wet themselves. And quesadillas sound like the perfect snack food for some terrible (terribly awesome!) TV watching.

  2. i need recipes like this. because this is about where MY cooking skills are at. haha.

    seriously, how much does life rule now that we have daiya?

  3. I have no idea how I lived before Ghost Adventures and Daiya!

  4. Oh my gosh that show is hilarious!! Did you see the one where the giant muscled guy is running away screaming because he saw a snake? Priceless. I love Daiya, and wish I had some in my fridge but I don't, shame :(
