
Monday, August 1, 2011

Attack of The Ridiculously Awful Wedding Album! Warning : Never has whismy made you so sad...

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I have to apologize for the delay posting this. If you haven't noticed we've had some technical problems lately with photos. So without further ado : The so-awful-it's-awesome director's cut wedding album that features the worst pics from our shenanigan-packed photo shoot. Although I'm worried that since this post is so late, your imagination has created ridiculous situations that put these to shame. If you want to be able to see the looks on our friend's faces - which are kinda amazing - click here.

I started to caption the photos but really they speak for themselves. If you are looking for a less-traumatizing write-up of our cruelty-free wedding, you can check out the write up in Offbeat Bride. Special congratulations goes out to Shaun and Aliza-Marie Johnston who had their own completely vegan wedding this past weekend! Good luck you crazy kids!

ALSO - We've been added to VegNew's 2011 Veggie Award Nominations! A huge thank you goes out to everyone who voted or is going to vote for us and wrote us in and all the above! I'm not going to lie... it's been a tough summer for me, and just being nominated is really great. But it would mean a lot to me if you guys voted for us too! So if you haven't voted yet for Meet The Shannons, please do!


  1. voted for you! woo hoo! was a tough choice b/c lots of awesome veg blogs, but yours is the one i get most excited about my googlereader reporting! and you asked us to vote for you :)

  2. Thank you! I really appreciate it! We're pretty new so I know we're up against some heavy hitters... we're going to have to lobby. :)

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that you have been having a tough summer :/. Perhaps a little vote for you might help you feel a bit better :P?

  4. Done! =) Not hard - definitely my favorite even though I follow quite a few!
