*Scroll to the bottom of the page for Recipes *
I recently saw the movie Julie & Julia
- being an armchair chef myself - it was actually surprising it had taken me so long to see a movie about a book about Julia Childs and a normal person finding her way through a classic cookbook in a normal kitchen. I love food, movies, books and of course eating. I was charmed at first. I mean here was a devoted vintage clothing wearing amateur foodie - who wore pearls in the kitchen ( one of my own personal dreams - though my dream pearls would be fake ). I admit I was charmed by finding someone so like myself in so many ways... but as you can imagine - she lost me at the Lobster Killer scene... and I never really bounced back. But that didn't stop me from picking up her new book Cleaving
at the secondhand book store for $1 this weekend. It is all about her love of meat and butchery and how she ruins her marriage by being selfish. Needless to say, she has lost her "charm" but I will read it. You can't just fill your life with things you relate to and like. That isn't healthy.
But that's a tangent for another day.
Back to our story : The Lobster Killer scene planted a little seed in my brain. I kept waiting for her to have a change of heart and save them . . . but she never did. . . and that is just not OK
Yes, After years of meeting and knowing literally 1,000s of vegans from all over the world and working at the largest animal advocacy agencies on the planet, I can say with complete confidence, that no one in the world loves food the way a vegan does. We think it about food constantly. We read labels with a Christmas Morning eagerness - searching for those deal breaker words - Whey, Egg Whites, Skim Milk Protein, Casein and sit around talking about food like the gals in Sex in The City talk about orgasms. We send emails to all our friends and family telling them about new products to buy and use with a loyalty and eagerness that can only be compared to Beatle Mania. When I pitched to my dashing husband that we should cook our way through The Joy of Cooking
( considered by many universal eaters to be the bible of cooking) - making every recipe vegan - I might have teared up a little with his overwhelming eagerness to eat my experiments and maybe try out a few himself. He is the best thing to ever happen to me.
Dan patiently drove me to every secondhand book store in town to find a copy. I had one once. My mother had given it to me on my 16th birthday. I think it has taken me 18 years to realize that this is how Sicilian mothers usher their daughters into womanhood. It is their duty to make sure their girls have the skills and resources to feed others. I may have lost it in a roommate divide once or maybe a moving purge. I never used it much and until last week - didn't miss it much. After 4 stores, we both found ourselves wishing I had been more sentimental.
Dan patiently drove me to every secondhand book store in town to find a copy. I had one once. My mother had given it to me on my 16th birthday. I think it has taken me 18 years to realize that this is how Sicilian mothers usher their daughters into womanhood. It is their duty to make sure their girls have the skills and resources to feed others. I may have lost it in a roommate divide once or maybe a moving purge. I never used it much and until last week - didn't miss it much. After 4 stores, we both found ourselves wishing I had been more sentimental.
We gave in and went to Barnes and Noble... and that's when it happened... We looked through The Joy of Cooking. After seeing multiple recipes for "Liver Mousse" and "Lamb Shoulders" - Seriously people out there eat that - apparently - I found myself drawn to a bright red binder decorated like some Bavarian gingerbread. It was the reprinting of the original 1950s edition of the Betty Crocker Picture Cookbook
and it was laminated. This book that had been reprinted for someone like me - in saddle-shoes and thick black rimmed glasses - had been sealed up so I guess less ethical versions of myself wouldn't steal pages from it. There was some debate over if we would really feel any "Joy" eating vegan "Oyster Cakes" and what could possibly be inside this MARVELOUS cookbook that had been reprinted just for us - as well as the Top Chef cookbooks and various other amazing journeys through the art of mastering food art book things - you know the ones. We agreed on The Betty Crocker Cookbook
... it came a binder so we can add pages, large margins to write in and a wide variety of recipes to make vegan over this next year. Going off nothing besides my vast knowledge of Better Housekeeping circa 1950s - we decided to go for the one that we could look though and we suspected had more than just Pork Chops and Meatloafs.
For as long as it takes - Dan & I will be veganizing every recipe in The Betty Crocker Cookbook and sharing our tips and secrets with you - our lurking readers who never officially "follow" for whatever reason... CLICK HERE to follow our progress. We have been searching for a project we could share but have struggled coming up with something we could prioritize with the Los Angeles Exodus and all these weddings and babies... but we have always said we can make ANYTHING Vegan and Fat ... now we are putting this claim to the test! Thank you Lobster Killer for inspiring a project that I suspect you would hate... OX - Annie

Vegan Recipes for Classic Favorites
- The 24 Hour Pickle
- Asiago Bread
- Asian Tuna with Wasabi Aioli
- Asparagus with Dijon-Maple Sauce
- Avocado Baguette Sandwich
- Bacon Cheeseburger Hash
- Bacon Cheeseburger Lasagna
- Bacon & Spinach Salad featuring The Vegan Hard Boiled Egg
- Baked Coconut Shrimp
- Bean & Cheese Enchiladas
- Beef & Artichoke Pasta
- Beef with Bordelaise Sauce
- Beef Stew
- Beer Can Chicken (Tofurky)
- Beer & Cheese Soup
- Beer-Battered Fish (Marinated Tofu)
- Blueberry Banana Muffins
- Borscht
- Breakfast Bake - Our Denver Omelet Version
- Breakfast Tacos
- Buffalo Chicken Wings
- Burger & Veggies Packet
- Butterscotch Brownies
- Butterscotch Pudding
- Cajun Potatoes
- Caramel Sticky Rolls
- Caramel Topping
- Carrot Cake - Cupcakes
- Caesar Salad Burger
- Caesar Salad Dressing
- Cheeseburger Pie
- Cherry Frosting/Glaze
- Chicken Cacciatore
- Chicken Chow Mein
- Chicken Fingers
- Chicken Nicoise
- Chicken Parmigiana
- Chicken Salad
- Chicken or Tofu Tagine
- Chicken Tetrazzini
- Chicken Thyme Penne Salad
- Chicken & Wild Rice Soup
- Chocolate Buttercream Frosting
- Chocolate Chip Cupcakes
- Chocolate Ganache
- Chocolate Pudding
- Cinnamon Sugar Butter
- Clams in White Sauce over Linguine
- Cobb Salad
- Coleslaw
- Coq au Vin
- Corn and Crab Quesadillas
- Cornbread Topped Sausage Pie
- Cornbread & Bacon Stuffed Pork Chop
- Crab Cakes
- Cream Cheese Brownie Pie
- Cream Cheese Frosting
- Crepes
- Double Corn Chowder
- Eggs Benedict featuring The Vegan Poached Egg
- Fajitas
- Fondue
- French Toast
- Key West Fruit Salad
- Kung Pao Pork
- Garden Patch Saute
- Garlic Bread
- Garlic - Cheesy Biscuits
- Greek Salad Dressing
- Green Beans with Shiitake Mushrooms
- Herb Roasted Chicken & Vegetables
- Hollandaise Sauce
- Hot Fudge Topping
- Huevos Rancheros with Tofu Scramble
- Italian Chopped Salad
- Italian White Beans with Chicken
- Lemon Filling
- Lemon Vinaigrette
- Lemonade
- Limeade
- Mandarin Chicken Salad
- Mexi - Shells
- Mexican Scramble
- New Style Pork Chops
- New York Cheesecake
- Orange Butter
- Orange Teriyaki Beef with Noodles
- Osso Bucco
- Oven Pancake
- Oven Baked Potato Wedges
- Pad Thai
- Patty Melt
- Peach & Plum Salad
- Peanut Brittle Cupcakes
- Peanut Butter Cake
- Peanut Butter Cookies
- Pink Lemonade Cupcakes
- Pizza Burgers
- Pizza Dip
- Popcorn
- Potato, Bacon & Egg Scramble
- Potato Salad
- Quesadillas
- Ranch Dressing
- Raspberry Butter
- Raspberry Chocolate Scones
- Ranchero Pizza
- Red Beans & Rice
- Reuben Sandwich
- Roasted Rosemary Potatoes
- Rosemary Garlic Bread
- Sauteed Mushrooms
- Sesame Buttered Broccoli
- Shortbread Cookies
- Shrimp Scampi
- Sloppy Joes
- Smokey Collared Greens with Bacon
- Spaghetti Pie
- Spare Ribs with 3 Different Types of Glazes
- Spicy Skillet Chicken
- Spicy Thai Chicken Wings
- Strawberry Margaritas
- Stuffed Crust Pizza
- Sunflower Seed Herb Whole Wheat Bread
- Taco Salad
- Tartar Sauce
- Thai Chicken with Basil
- Thai Style Coconut Chicken
- Three Beans Salads
- Tuna Casserole
- Turtle Cheesecake
- Vanilla Pudding
- White Chili
- White Pizza
- Zucchini Apple Bread